Today’s topic for the 30 Day Blog Challenge is:
Day 13-Goals
These are some in-depth topics yesterday and today. I certainly have lots of goals! I consider my daily to-do list short term goals. I also have lots of long term goals.
Here are some of my long term goals:
- Raise my children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
- Homeschooling my children
- Find something I’m passionate about and make a business out of it
- Being a successful stay at home mom and home maker, taking care of the needs of my husband, and children and our household.
- Stay faithful to living in God’s Word, by keeping my personal relationship with God as my first priority. (Matthew 6:33)
I think those are some of my over all goals, I think as things move forward and goals are accomplished I develop and find new goals to add and some to adjust. How great is it to accomplish a goal. I especially love checking things off my to-do list and rejoicing in those accomplishments. How about you? Isn’t accomplishing a goal something super exciting in your life?
Are you playing along? Share your blog link with me I’d love to see your 30 Day Blog Challenge posts.
Want to read previous posts: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8, Day 9, Day 10, Day 11, Day 12