I’m participating in the 30 Day Blog Challenge issued by my friend, Heather. Today’s prompt is:
Day 2-Meaning behind your blog name
Well I guess there are two components in the name first the domain name which isn’t that exciting and pretty self explanatory it’s my name.
The second part of the blog name is Liz 2.0 a while back I adopted that name to kind of emphasize how I’m constantly learning and growing. I added a quote from VPW that change comes from the inside out. Over all I’m trying to improve and grow in all aspects of my life. This blog is mostly about me and the things I spend my time doing.
So not to clever and not to deep but that’s the meaning behind the blog name.
Are you playing along? Share your blog link with me I’d love to see your 30 Day Blog Challenge posts.
Want to read previous posts: Day 1