Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Posted by Liz McCoy Saturday, September 8, 2012

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and I have a couple friends who are working hard to bring awareness as well as raise funds for kids.


My sister-in-law, Lisa, has set a goal of raising $3,100 this month for Addison, her best friend’s daughter.  Addison has Leukemia and is undergoing chemotherapy. The money raised is going directly to her family to help with medical costs. When Lisa reaches her goal at the end of the month she is further supporting Addison by shaving her head!  I’m sure you know that with any fundraising effort every dollar counts and is much appreciated!!


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The second opportunity I wanted to share with you is my friend Stephanie’s new blog, Precious and Priceless Kids. She is very passionate about bringing awareness to different kids with medical needs.  She is not fundraising but just trying to share these kids’ stories with more people. I know Stephanie would love it if you could “like” the Precious and Priceless Kids page on facebook.


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