The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure #RatedGGG

Posted by Liz McCoy Sunday, August 19, 2012

A few weeks ago the kids and I had a great opportunity to see an advanced screening of The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure movie. 




Before we watched the movie we had a yummy snack and a fun craft. The mommy bloggers went to the theater ahead of time to chat with the writer, director, and creator of the Oogieloves.


oogieloves movie


I was so impressed to hear these three speak. Their philosophy behind this movie is to truly provide a #RatedGGG experience for the whole family. Having taken both my 1yo and 6yo to the theater recently to see “kids” movies. I’ve noticed how there is often lots of over their head comedy or extremely dark and scary parts, perhaps concerning death or bad guys. My 6yo has not wanted to go back to a theater because one of the last movies he saw was to dark and scary. Mind you these were age appropriate kids movies? These three really sought to address that need of providing light hearted wholesome entertainment.


I’ve often gone to the movies with my little kids and heard scoffs and get that annoyed look. Like how dare I bring a kid to a kids movie?? And I sit there the whole time shushing my kids and telling them to keep quite. Well the creator wanted to make the #Oogieloves movie experience like no other. They want viewers to interact and to enjoy the movie without having to sit still and sit quiet. How they achieve this is awesome and one of my and my 6yo’s favorite parts of the movie.


Over all I was super pleased with the film and I especially LOVED how my kids were engaged the whole time and were truly ENTERTAINED. There were no points in the movie where I needed to shield their eyes or console them because it was frightening.  We walked away in love with the characters and for days were were cheering and reciting parts of the movie.


Here are a few pictures I took of the kids at the event:



The Oogieloves and the Big Balloon Adventure opens Oogust 29th in theaters across the country. Our family definitely gives the movie our stamp of approval and highly recommends it if you’re looking to have a great time out with your whole family!

Be sure to check out the Oogieloves website, where you will be introduced to these adorable characters.

The Oogieloves Facebook Page has been having all kinds of fun posts and giveaways lately so be sure to like them.

There is also a fun Oogieloves Twitter party August 20th here are the details:

We're having a party! Join in celebrating the upcoming release of the new interactive film for kids, The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure! We hope you can join us for a fun filled Twitter chat about the Oogieloves. Come ready for trivia about the movie and talk kid’s party ideas with us for the chance to win some BIG Oogieloves themed prizes.

Date: Monday, August 20th

Time: 8-9pm EST
Hashtag: #OogielovesParty

Host: @Celebrations
Sponsor: @Oogieloves
Tweet Grid:



Disclaimer: We were admitted to the screening for free and I received compensation for my time. However all the opinions and thoughts shared are 100% my own.

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