
Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, June 2, 2008
A friend of mine recently blogged about her priorities in life and how she doesn't consider her self her number 1 priority but she is #4 on her list. I definitely see her point, and it reminded me of my priorities in my life and how my priorities don't line up with hers.

As a believing woman & mother my first priority IS myself. Does that sound selfish to you??? Well perhaps but here is why. I believe that my first priority is my relationship with GOD. I need to keep that relationship strong and vital so I can live my best life for Him, my heavenly father. This strong relationship is what makes me available, spiritually, phsyically and emotionally for other people in my life. Having an clear understanding of God's desires for my life help me to be LESS SELFISH---MORE GIVING---MORE LOVING towards others.

My second priority is the relationship I have with my husband. We strive to be like minded and in one accord as a married couple. We both work hard to keep our marriage relationship in harmony with what God's Word says it should be. We endeavor to communicate on all things like our hopes & dreams, to the status of the laundry. Again, having a strong marriage relationship based on biblical principles helps us both to be available to other relationships.

My third priority is the relationship I have with my child (and children in the future). Every day I endeavor to raise my child in the nurture and admonition of of the Lord. I instill and encourage him to make decisions based on the Word of God as that is my foundation, the foundation of my marriage, and the foundation of our family. Right now my son is only 22 mos so his biblical based decisions basically come down to choosing to OBEY his parents in the Lord (Eph 6:1). I discipline my son (appropriately for his age) according to the Word. I am showing him by my example how to set the priorities in his live and how to CHOOSE to make his relationship with GOD his first priority.

Lastly my priority is to give and support God's Household of Believers. Having my #1-3 priorities in order makes me my best for the Household. I am able to give of my self more and I am able to love God's people greater!!! And what a joy it is to know that you're walking with God.

So that is what I got blessed thinking about today and I thought I'd share with you my priorities in life and show you why I proudly say I am my #1 priority.

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