Bacon and Onions Stink!

Posted by Liz McCoy Tuesday, August 21, 2007
My house just stopped smelling like bacon that I made for breakfast on saturday and last night I needed to cut up an onion for the pot roast we're having today and now the house stinks horribly like onions!!! ARGGGHHH...and it will still smell as I cook the roast.

This makes me get excited for fund raiser season coming soon.  My lil sister had a fund raiser selling candles last year they were pricey and I bought 3 and spent like 30 or 45 bucks!! OUCH but after using them I'd buy them all over again and more.  They were the ONLY candle I've had that remove/mask (not sure what it did) the smell of cooking.  And the smells were awesome not perfumey but not faint either.  I've burnt them all down to nothing and there gone :(

Anywhoo....that's my little post for today.  Catch you later!

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