Berry Pickin' #wordfullwednesday

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This summer we’ve been berry picking twice. In our OWN BACKYARD! The kiddo has been begging for a year now for us to start a garden and grow things.  He has saved his cucumber seeds so we could plant them.  Our plan to move has been in the works for a while so my plan to start a garden this year just wasn’t going to work out. 




I did however decided to stop neglecting the blackberry bush that sits at the back corner of the property.  We harvested one batch of berries last week. We pruned and weeded around the bush over the weekend. We went back yesterday to find another huge batch was ready to be picked. There are still a bunch of red berries growing and I imagine we will be having a few more sessions of picking.


The kiddo is a terrific helper and loves to pick the berries, he’s even made up a little song to go with the activity. We gave half of our first batch to Grandma B and then made homemade blackberry lemonade with the other half – it was pretty tasty! 


My sister discovered that our new house also has blackberry bushes so I guess I will have another opportunity to tend to those bushes and hopefully have lots of blackberries to harvest next year.


So I have a few questions I’d love your help if you had some information to share.

1) Do you garden? What do you grow???

2) Do you know much about growing blackberries??? Tell me I’m clueless!

3) What blackberry recipes do you love??  I need to be doing something with all these berries.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing!!

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