Winter Tree Craft

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One of our homeschool goals for January was to make 6 crafts.  Here is one that we accomplished today. The kiddo really liked tracing his hand during the Autumn Tree Craft and asked to do it again.  This time we made a winter themed scene. We discussed what we think of winter, and what trees look like in winter.  Thus our traced hand tree has no leaves, the ground is white with snow and we have a snow man.  The kiddo’s cutting is getting better. 


We used glue stick to make dots on the blue construction paper then sprinkled glitter on them to make falling snowflakes.  This was fun! Our first time using glitter and the kiddo exclaimed “It is so glittery…I guess that’s why they call it glitter!” HAHA We did pretty darn good with the glitter too didn’t get to out of hand and all over the place. 


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I’m really excited to have done a winter themed craft that is a companion to our Autumn Tree Craft from September.  I can’t wait to complete a spring tree and a summer tree. I envision framing each one for the playroom. Here are our two completed hand print trees hanging next to each other.


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Happy Crafting!

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