I am super excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day in our homeschool this year. I have such great memories of celebrating this holiday in my elementary days.
We’d pick out the just right pack of valentines from the store (the cheap ones without licensed characters LOL) write our name on the back and put them into those cheap little envelopes with a conversation heart stuck in there with the note. We’d have our class list and we’d work down the list writing each classmates name onto the envelope, making sure each kid got a treat.
I remember at some point becoming really aware of what each thing said and making sure the valentines and conversation hearts that were for my boy classmates didn’t say “love” or “kisses” HAHAHA.
Another memorable part of celebrating Valentine’s Day in elementary school was making our mailboxes. Wrapping a shoe box in construction paper and writing my name or cutting it out and gluing it onto the box along with lots of hearts and stickers. That was such a fun craft project that made the holiday extra special.
The kiddo and I are hosting a valentine party at our house for 2 of his homeschool buddies and their moms. I’ve been having too much fun searching the web for inspiration. I’ve compiled a big pin board over on pinterest all about Valentine’s Day, Love, and Happy Hearts.
I’m also hosting a Valentine Swap with friends and family. The kiddo and I will be sending out one Valentine for everyone who commits to sending us one. It is similar to the Christmas Ornament exchange I’ve done in the past. If you’re interest in swapping valentines with us leave me a comment below and I’ll invite you to the event.
I’m excited that we will be crafting together and making handmade valentines for all of our friends and learning more about love, friendship, and caring for those special people in our lives.
Are you doing anything to prepare for this special day? If you’re looking for a quick Valentine for coworkers, family, or your class check out my Free Printable Valentines.