My cousin Becca and her 2 beautiful kids have been staying with us since last Friday and we’ve been busy having a blast!! Her daughter is 2 weeks younger than my kiddo so it has been fun seeing them get to play and have little conversations.
Day one we went to Costco and Target, thankfully Aunt Jessie went with us. It has been quite an experience navigating and getting ready with 3 kids compared to my one. I think they’ve all settled into the routine by now. After running errands we headed on over to Lake Lanier for a party. We made the kids eat lunch in the car so that we wouldn’t have to corral them back in. By the time we got to the party all 3 kiddos were asleep.
We got to play on the beach for a little while with the new sand toys and D even swam off the dock!
After the party it was time to celebrate my Dad’s birthday! We took a boat ride down to the pool. Here is my kiddo saying no more pictures mom! :P
D did some fishing while on the boat.
C & J had a great ride too.
After the pool Aunt Jessie gave the kiddos a bath. (on a side note: AUNT JESSIE ROCKS!!!!)
After dinner we celebrated Grandpa’s birthday with a Brusters Ice Cream Pie! YUMMY!!
The End.