God’s Abundance is for Me!

Posted by Liz McCoy Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wow when I stop and think about all the ways God blesses me each day I’m so edified and uplifted. And most of all THANKFUL. So very very very THANKFUL.
Here are a few things I’m super thankful for today. Last night the kiddo and I got home to find 2 large boxes sitting on the front steps.  Oh yeah my friend P. said she was sending some things. Jack was excited because getting mail and surprises are soo much fun. Okay I was excited too!!
We pulled them into the front hallway and opened them right there.  First we found a bag of dinos! Then he saw bags of cars and found a lightening mcqueen and  a couple other car movie cars and he opened those bags pretty quickly.
I kept looking and found lots of BOOKS on CD and Books on tapes. I remember having books on tapes records when I was a kid and it brought back some memories. I hadn’t even thought of looking into audio books for the kid. DUH! 
There was even a Thomas book on tape YAY!!! You KNOW we were SUPER EXCITED about that one!!!
I am just so blessed and excited to read and listen to every one of these with the kid. Quality time for sure!
Wait there was one more box. REALLY?? How could we get even more blessed???
The second box had a couple more books and some DVD’s and videos!! It also had a leap pad system I tucked away to wrap and put under the tree. (YAY another present for under the tree!) There was even a bible on tape set that I’m excited to use in the car to and from work.
Wow when God says:
Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
He MEANS it!!! Seriously what a tremendous blessing to our house hold it was to be though of by P and her kids! We very grateful and excited.  One day we will get to bless another household with these goodies :D
After we explored all the treats in the boxes we just had to get the tape player out and listen to the Thomas book on tape. That was FUN!!!  Jack enjoyed it and so did I we had time for one more and started the magic school bus book and boy did I learn ALOT! Hmm I’m going to have to finish that one it was really interesting.

So how has God blessed you today?
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