One Busy Week

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, November 20, 2009


Well it has been quite the busy week in my household.  You may or may not know that my husband’s job was terminated and his last day was Friday 11/13. So thankfully I’m still employed and I’ve gone back to a 40 hour work week. It has been quite a transition for me.  Exhausting to say the least. I’m in bed usually by 7pm each night.  Ken’s been home all week he now watches the kiddo full time.

I think both of us have a greater appreciation for the rolls we play as primary provider and support staff LOL. While we are grateful that this situation will meet our need we are eager to get Ken a job and me going back to part-time.

We have evaluated our finances and while we were doing good we still will be cutting back a good bit to make our new financial situation work the best at meeting our NEEDS.  Wants definitely will be on the back burner for a while.

We are both very thankful for the theme that our church has for this year, Making God our Sufficiency. Every time we attend fellowship, hear a sunday teaching service, read the way magazine we see how God truly is our sufficiency.  We are uplifted and renewed in our conviction that God WILL PROVIDE!

II Corinthians 3:5:
Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency
is of God.

So I have been away from the blog for the week just working hard at the day job.


Hey all my Atlanta peeps I’d love it if you know of any job opportunities in the Finance/Accounting area let me know please!!  Email me elizabethLmccoy {at} gmail or just leave a comment.



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