My Super Sweet 3rd Birthday: PHOTO BOOTH

Posted by Liz McCoy Monday, July 20, 2009

Okay so let’s do this!  I will be posting about the uber over the top 3rd birthday party I put on for my son this past weekend.  I will show you the projects we worked on with tips and ideas etc.  I am waiting on pictures from my dear friend Candace who was the photographer for the event.  I will share more over the next few days as the pictures come in.

Since we set up my old camera on a tripod and use it to take pictures of the photo booth I’ll share those pictures first as I have them all done.


Each kid could go over and get dressed up in their clown outfit:


The hats were made from paper plates. The kids got to use stickers to decorate them as they wanted. The poms on top were made from giant pipe cleaners (yes they make these and they are AMAZING!!!).  They got an official foam clown nose and the collars were made from coffee filters!! (My sister Jessie came up with that idea – BRILLIANT!!) over all the cost for this activity was very minimal.

Once they were dressed up they could step right into the photo booth.  We had props for them to play around with and get some funny pictures. I do wish I would have had extended the paper to adult height so those who couldn’t sit on the ground could have easily stood to get their picture taken. But for the kids it was an AMAZINGLY PERFECT set up!  I am certain I will be doing a photo booth for EVERY party I do from now on absolutely the most fun especially for me when I go to scrapbook.  I will be sending a print of each of the people in the photographs in the thank you notes.  The backdrop was made using sheets of heavy duty wrapping paper that I we had picked up a couple years ago at a church yardsale.  We bought like 20-30 rolls because there were only 2 sheets per roll so good purchase there. It made for a wonderful backdrop.


The only thing I would have changed would be to have an umbrella or reflectors some how to adjust the sun that was coming from all over and casting shadows…but hey it worked and I’m THRILLED with the resulting pictures:


This was definitely one of my favorite parts of the party!!!

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