I made ATC’s for the upcoming Adobe Laptop Crop (August 8, 2009) hosted by my favorite digital scrapbooking company. I went last year and definitely wanted to go again this year. I had sooo much fun I COULD NOT miss this year’s crop.
Anywho here are my ATC’s that I had printed on playing cards at Artscow.com I had heard great things about this company and how affordable their printed items are (especially with one of their many sales or coupons). This was a much more affordable way for me to do ATC’s this year compared to making them myself like last year. The cards were so affordable I ordered 2 different designs one with the Adobe Laptop Crop on it and one without for my future crops.
They came in a hard plastic case. WOW I was not expecting such nice packaging I figured they’d come just shrink wrapped. The case will be very handy during travel.
The quality of the prints are GREAT!! The digital scrapbook supplies I used sure did POP off the cards. The cards are really thick and look like they will with stand lots of handling.
Over all I am very pleased with the playing cards I ordered from the online photo products printer Artscow.com
Hey if you’re interested in shopping through Artscow.com as well let me know I’ll refer you and I’ll get a little bonus coupon!!!
I have another ordering coming of a different product and I’ll let you know how those turn out too.