Tackle it Tuesday: 2yo Activity Calendar

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Okay this was my tackle for yesterday. Sorry I’m late in posting it was a LONG day and everything moved much slower than I had intended. Consequently I’m not finished with this project but I am well on my way.  I got 2 blank school calendars from Scholastic and had them laminated at the school box. I had an idea to make little reusable stickers on each day to help show my two year old son what he is doing today and to help him start to understand the concept of time, i.e. today yesterday and tomorrow, etc.  I am wanting to go down to Disney World in a few months so I though this would help build the excitement when that time comes to see the days on the calendar.


He asked me what he was doing today so I said let’s go look at your calendar.  Although this picture shows him pointing at the wrong day I did show him which day it was and he said I’m going to grandma’s house and to the chiropractor and play basketball at grandma’s house. THAT’S RIGHT!! HE’S GETTING IT!!

The first attempt at the “stickers” I made them MUCH too big and one activity took up the whole square. So attempt #2 I made each image one inch square.  That works out great as I can get 4 items on the calendar day. 

My plans to finish it off are to make a little Jack cut out that will move along to each day, each morning we’ll move the jack doll over one day and establish that routine so he will start to know which day is today and what he will be doing. The conclusion of this project maybe my tackle for next Tuesday.

Were you able to tackle anything yesterday?  Do you have something to tackle today??

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