PAD: Inspiration & Funny Faces

Posted by Liz McCoy Friday, January 23, 2009

I have a bunch of books, magazines, etc to help inspire me when I’m looking to start a scrapbook page and have no ideas in my head on what I want to do.  I took a picture of these books because this morning I completed a scrapbook page and I used one of my books as a spring board.

This is my photo for 1-21-09. I went to take a picture of my mom yesterday for the 1-19 photo but I forgot the memory card DUH! So maybe tomorrow I’ll get my 1-19 photo.

Here is my 1-22-09 photo of my son making funny faces :) I love how they turned out. I used 3 to put this together.


PAD: Thomas our Hero
PAD: Say Cheese!
PAD: That was Easy.
PAD: Turn the Heat ON!
PAD: Puzzled
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