Over at my favorite digital scrapbooking site, DSP, they’re having a Scrapolution. What’s a scrapolution?
It’s a DSP evolution, a scrapping revolution, and our New Year’s resolution:
One thing that DSP is encouraging us members to do is set our scrapping goals. DSP’s team and community will be there to cheer us on as we work to accomplish those goals.
I set my goal at 50 pages for 2009. I set it a bit higher than what I thought I could do, in order to push myself beyond my comfort zone and scrapping history. I broke out 50 layouts into how many I’d have to get done in one month to reach my goal and it’s a little more than 4 layouts. Four layouts in one month that made me a bit nervous I don’t think I did that at all last year. I was also getting a bit nervous because it was half way through the month and I hadn’t started scrapping yet!
I was getting the itch to scrap but didn’t really have time. I had downloaded a bunch of Ploppers to help show someone how easy they were for their photos but I didn’t really have intention of using them on my photos. I guess you could say I was a bit of a Plopper snob.
Plopper™ = Pre-made page for you to “plop” your photos onto. Usually in jpg format that you would place your photos on top of, however some are PNG with holes for your photos so you can place them underneath.
I really prefer quick clicks and having “control”.
QuickClick = The QuickClick Template system is a wonderful new product that gives you the creative license to make unique layouts by filling in the "blanks (shapes)." The design work is done...you won't have to think about placement of your photos or accent papers because we have carefully designed these "interactive sketches" for you!
So anyway I decide to try out the Ploppers I got from DSP. They are basically premade layouts that you just fill in your pictures. Pretty simple especially if you’re already a digiscrapper. The first one I did took a bit longer than the rest I just wasn’t to familiar with working with them and I felt it was missing something. I often struggle with titling and journaling my layouts so it was hard to fill in that blank area with something that made sense. I think I’m happy with it what do you think:
Title: Jack and Mommy
Elizabeth Weaver's Pink Christmas Plopper
Tina Chamber's Swirlywords Word Art
Font: DSP LIZ (that’s me!)![]()
CLICK HERE SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE COMMENTS ON DSPThe Story – These photos were taken of me and Jack on Christmas Day while we were all taking our family photo. I was thankful to get a half way decent shot of the two of us as we don’t always get those. (thanks daddy) Please ignore my double chin.
After that one layout the next 6 pages came together easily and quickly. I completed all 7 pages using Ploppers and adding journaling. For this scrapping session I found the Plopper I wanted to use then I would find a photo to go into it.
Title: Jack & Tori
Nicole Young's Just Junky Plopper
Lauren Bavin's In the News Alpha
Font: DSP LIZ![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE COMMENTS ON DSPThe Story – A picture of Jack and Tori saying good-bye on Christmas Day. Tori was leaving for Switzerland that day. Another photo from our mini shoot I’m loving how these pictures turned out!
You can definitely make ploppers your own. On the above layout I added a T from In the News Alpha you can see that it fits in fine I just used my layer masks to mask out the part that would be behind the domino.
Title: Believe in Dreams
Nicole Young's Land of Dreams Plopper
Suzanne Walker's DSP Tina Font
Fonts: DSP LIZ & DSP TINA![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE COMMENTS ON DSPThe Story – This picture was taken at our recent play date. It was a fun day and I only got a few photos but this one was a GREAT one of Jack. I don’t get these big grand natural smiles very often usually he’s cheesing it up for the camera. I thought this photo was perfect for this plopper and I journaled about his dream of being an Ninja Warrior.
You might notice that I’m really into teal right now and there is plenty in the DSP store to support my current color addiction.
Title: Blessed Sisters
Marcee Duggar's Blessed Flowers Plopper
Font: CK Renaissance![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON DSPThe Story – Another picture from the mini photoshoot. These are 2 of my sisters who live far away. It was a real treat to have us all together and to have them there with us to spend time together during the holiday.
It is always soo cool to find a plopper or kit that matches your photo PERFECTLY as this plopper above did for my photo. YES!
Title: Our Family 2008
Marcee Duggar's Family & Friends Plopper (FREEBIE!! WOOT WOOT)
Font: DSP Liz![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON DSPThe Story - This year we all have spread further and further apart. Sometimes our schedules keep us apart or there are states that separate us. We keep in touch with email and phone calls and some of us get to visit others on occasion. However there are not many opportunities for us all to be together in the same place at the same time. That is what made this holiday so special. Tori came back to Georgia on the 18th and flew up to Ohio to drive back with Becca, they got in late on the 24th. Rosie and Andy met up with us all the afternoon of the 25th when we all took this picture. Right after the picture Tori was jetting off to Switzerland for her job. Even though we only had a few hours of time together as a whole family it was WONDERFUL. Mom and Dad got to spend time with everyone who lives far away and still get to spend time with those of us who live closer. It was fun to see that we all coordinated our outfits without even planning it. As we all grow up and move in different directions it sometimes seems like our family is getting smaller. When we look at this picture we will remember how big our family is and how much LOVE we have for each other, no matter how far apart we are still close.
The above layout was made with a freebie from DSP so you could have it too for NOTHING!!
Title: Jack & Grandma
Meryl Bartho's Hundred Percent Gorgeous Ploppers
Font: DSP Liz![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON DSPThe Story – This photo was taken on New Years Day. Mom and Dad had a cook out for the family and we all hung out played games and enjoyed each other’s company. The journaling talks about how much we love grandma and what great care she takes of Jack while mommy and daddy work.
Title: Jack & Delia
Tina Chamber's Counins 'n Friends Plopper
Font: DSP Liz![]()
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LAYOUT LARGER, AND TO LEAVE A COMMENT ON DSPThe Story – Jack and Delia did so well playing together on our trip up to Ohio for Grandpa B’s funeral. We took them to the Columbus Zoo. It was such a blessing to see them connect. Jack remembers Delia and we talk about her often.
Phew! I’m done. Sorry for the length of this post. I am excited to have gotten so much scrapping done in one afternoon. I am more encouraged that 50 layouts in one year might be a goal I will surpass not just reach. I’m thinking I will add to my goal for the year and get 1 hardbound book printed.
Are you a part of the Scrapolution? Have you set any scrapping goals? What do you think about Ploppers? Do you have any questions? Let me know I’m happy to help.