American Idol

Posted by Liz McCoy Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Okay I've watched this season....and tonight is the finale.  In the opening part Ryan rattled off all these stats and i wasn't paying attention and one of them jumped out at me after 49 hours we're here at the finale.  49 hours!!!! What the HECK!  Are you telling me that I've wasted that much time on this stupid show??  And here I am sitting through an annoying, dorky, and addicting 2 hour season finale!!!  Okay I need a LIFE!!!  I'm definitely not watching next year.

Hmmm what can i do with 50+ hours next year??? Ummmm.....ALOT!!!  I think I might commit to scrapping or reading for the time that American Idol is on??  You know the 3 or 4 times a week....crazy!

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